Monday, 9 October 2017

Upgrade AOL Email by accessing with Windows Live Mail

AOL Mail is one of the leading internet based email service which is widely famous because of its large range of options and services. If you have an AOL Mail Account, but you no longer use AOL as your internet service provider, then you can still continue using your email account with any internet connection. This is especially very helpful if you have been using the email account for work or have a number of personal contacts that you via your older username or address. Like any other email service, you can now use your AOL account online from any computer connected to the web, but you can also add your AOL email to even more convenient desktop programs like Windows Live Mail. AOL Mail Tech Support Number +1-844-502-0074 is ready to help you and assist you to provide measures to fix the problems.
Getting a Windows Live Account:
While Outlook express is a great desktop feature, if you are looking to integrate all your contacts, email accounts and calendars in real time to your computer system and phone, then Windows Live Mail is the best option. If you don’t already have a Windows Live Account then you can get one by visiting the Windows Live Account Setup official website.
If you have a Microsoft hotmail or Windows messenger account then you already have a sign in and are ready to setup your other accounts right away.

Setting Up your AOL Mail:

The process of adding any email address to your Windows Live Mail Account is very easy and really only involves some easy steps. Before beginning, however, you will need to be sure that both your AOL and Windows Live Accounts are properly setup and active.
If this is your first time in using Windows Live Mail then you will be automatically prompted to enter an email address, otherwise.
1. On the bottom left side of the Windows Live window situate and after that click on the link of Add Email Account.
2. The mail account wizard will start by opening a dialog box.
3. Enter your correct email address in its full format and enter your email password.
4. Click on the check box of remember password, if you do not want to reenter your password every time, but solely do this for personal computers and devices.
5. Type in your full name as you want it to appear in the Sent from field of the other people’s email accounts in the field of display Name. This can be anything you want and do not have to match your user name.
6. Ensure the manually configure servers settings for Email Account check box is unchecked. Windows Live can do this automatically for most online email service providers.
7. Click on Ok option, and then you will receive a confirmation email when the AOL account has been successfully added. This should only take a moment.
8. Now you can properly check your AOL mail account and all your other email accounts set up from one simple and convenient program. You can add other accounts, like other services.
If you are getting any problem with these steps then you can contact to the AOL Customer Service Helpline Number +1-844-502-0074 to get the instant solutions and useful measures to resolve the all problems.

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