It’s quite frustrating situation of the quality customers to face such kind of problems and they need to resolve them by any means. Well, we are providing the solution for the problems ‘Not able to setup AOL Email on a Mac’ and some help from any side whether it’s online guidance or by some specialists. Here the users are require to follow the instructions as we are providing below and if they still face the same problem or face some errors while following the instructions then they can have one more options through AOL customer support number +1-844-502-0074 where our certified specialists will assist them in resolving the problem they face.
It’s your choice which method you use, but selecting one over the other is not any more tough or hard to configure…
Users have to enter their AOL email address under the email Address field: section. Ensure to use the complete and correct email address (e.g.
If you’re using Mail 2 or 3, ensure automatically set up account is checked, and then click create.
1. Highlight the newly created AOL mail account under Accounts.
2. Now go to the Mailbox Behaviors tab.
3. Ensure Store sent messages on the server is not checked.
4. Choose Quitting Mail under Delete sent messages when:
5. Now Close the Accounts configuration window.
6. Users have to click on Save when asked Save changes to the “AOL” IMAP account?
1. First Select Mail > Preferences… from the menu.
2. Go to the Accounts tab.
3. Click on the plus button (+) under the accounts list.
4. Enter your name under Full Name:
5. Type your AOL email address under the email Address: section. Ensure to use the complete address (e.g.
6. Enter your AOL account password in the text field when asked.
7. Ensure automatically set up account is not checked.
8. Click on Continue.
9. Ensure POP is selected under Account Type:
10. Enter POP AOL under Incoming Mail Server:
11. Click on Continue.
12. Enter AOL under Description for the Outgoing Mail Server.
13. Now Verify that AOL is entered under Outgoing Email Server: Use Authentication is checked, and your username and password have been entered.
14. Click on Continue.
15. Click on create.
16. Highlight the newly created AOL mail account under Accounts.
17. Go to the Advanced tab.
18. Make sure that 100 is entered under Port:
19. You can optionally do the following:
Pick up the desired setting under remove copy from server after retrieving a message:
Users can keep all mail on the AOL server without running out of storage. If you let Mac OS Mail delete messages at all, then they’ll not be available in AOL Mail on the web or for download on other computers (or via IMAP).
20. Shut the Accounts configuration window.
As we have provided the complete solution of said issue with instruction and the users have to follow them very strictly to resolve the problem. If in any case the users failed to do so then they can have another option in the form of AOL tech support contact number +1-844-502-0074 where our certified specialists will assist them in resolving the problems within a short span of your time.
Source Url :- How to set up my AOL Email in Mac Mail
How to Recover AOL Password
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